After two weeks of being quarantined, we finally set Blu out into the world again and what a perfectly cheery and beautiful weekend to do so.
Mataura Plunket held an event for fundraising at Hamilton Park in Gore. We drove up to meet up with friends and had an absolute blast! Can't go wrong with train rides, bouncy houses, Mr. Whippy, and all the open spaces and playground things for the kiddies.
First "Monday" after a while tomorrow and seems like it's going to be a busy week (which probably would be the case in this remaining weeks of 2017 tbh) so bracing ourselves for the inevitable highs and lows that the lead up to the silly season brings.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, too!
P.S. Have been trying to deal with this story-telling dilemma for quite some time now. This video compilation stuff just might work? Guess we'll see. :)