8 May 2015

Friday's 10 happy things : 01


Almost slipped my mind that today is Friday, and Friday = 10 Happy Things! Good thing I saw @helgatheweber tweet about hers. Left this tab open while I cleaned what I could with the remaining daylight, lest I forget about it again.

Anyway, here are my 10 for this past week:
  1. These sunny, chilly mornings we've been having lately. Soaking it all in and trying to do as much as I/we can around the house before winter hits.
  2. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born. :3
  3. The few times that Blu goes to sleep soon after dinner, letting me and Japo watch ESPN in peace.
  4. Exploring the local park. The trees are changing colour, the sheep were by the river, and it wasn't too windy so I thought a quick walk around would do us good. Watching Blu try to avoid stepping on sheep poo was fun. :)
  5. Spending time with friends. We had the Pacquiao fight, an initiation, an installation, a playdate, and a birthday tomorrow! Quite a busy week, we usually don't get to see anyone for at least a month haha.
  6. Texting with Japo while he was on the bus to Ashburton. Calling is our preferred mode of communication because I'm a lazy texter, so it was refreshing to exchange SMS during his 7-hour trip.
  7. Blu doing more interactive play now. We were at a McDonald's play cafe yesterday and there was this older girl (maybe 5 or 6yo) who took him under her wing right away. She kept calling him "little girl," though, haha. I didn't have the energy to correct her and explain, and I don't think it really matters?
  8. My Mother's Day gift to myself is here!
  9. I've mentioned it last time, but I'm really very pleased that I don't have to think of what to cook for three days. Didn't get to catch up on Instagram and clear emails, BUT! I finished three loads of laundry, cleaned the play room and the master's, and filed paper stuff into a clear book. #adult
  10. And so far, so good on churning out blog posts. Hoping I can write something soon that's not a list, but no pressure.
Looking forward to a stay-home-let's-have-pizza weekend with my boys. Wishing you all have a great one with your loved ones as well! Xx

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